Frequently asked questions.

Can I see products in person?

We unfortunately do not have a showroom at this time to view products in person. Our website is designed to provide our clients with a seamless online shopping experience. Please keep a look out on our Instagram page for pop-up locations in the near future.

How can I request an urgent delivery?

Please select local delivery at the time of checkout and send an email with your order number noting urgency. Please include when you need your products by and your location of delivery. We will email within the day with further instructions.

How can I pre-order?

Pre-orders are available for select items. Please send us an email with the product you wish to order, and we can provide you with details. Customization of colours may be offered, depending on product.

How can I order sets for my bridesmaids?

We offer discounts for bridesmaids sets! Please send us an email with your request and we can connect further on details.

Do you have an affiliate program?

It’s coming soon! We are working on a brand affiliate program for micro and macro influencers. Stay tuned for this!